Friday, May 30, 2008

Who Can't Keep Up With A Blog?
When summer creeps around the bends I have a hard time keeping up with this thing. That being said here are some updates:

#1 Jack:

This guy is going to camp. Yes, the camp I've worked for since I was 17. The whole concept is beyond me really. I am super excited to be able to sneak up on him and check out his day, but I also have my "mom worries". All of a sudden I am worried about the silliest things..."what if they lose him?" "what if he hates swimming?". These are all quite dumb questions because the camp I work for has top notch security and some of the best swimmy people I know. There are 2 things that really will be an issue though: 1) Getting Jack up, dressed, fed and in the car to be at work with me by 7:30 2) how is he going to respond to "Mommy at work". I can't carry him around or anything. I fear that I am going to have to master the "duck and cover".
Other than all that Jack is a blast. He is enjoying the new weather. He ran into my room this morning saying:" Mommy summer is here" and proceeded to climb in for a 20 minute cuddle. He is also pretty damned funny...

JHT: "Daddy, pull my finger!"
(Sage tugs...Jack make a weird face)
JHT: "Mom, I gotta poop!"

#2 Oliver

This guys has given me some serious hives lately. I swear that he was born with a cough. Yes folks his snot has been at it again with a vengeance. I think that we are moving towards the clear though. Between that and his possible allergy I have been going nuts...(get it?- nuts...allergy?"...sorry) When he tried that delicious applesauce he crapped blood. Awesome, I know. I thought it was an allergy, but it seems as if it just happened to be a cut from pushing on a few hard turds. He has eaten it again. I was shaking as I put it in his mouth. Another side effect of working at this camp is a hyper-sensitivity to all things allergy. We seems to be good though...I feel like I say seem alot when I refer to Ollie...poor fella.
He is also 5 months old. wow. He has started to do this thing that when he is really excited he grabs the sides of my face and screams with delight. I love it.
I am really trying to savor him...more so than I think I did when Jack was his age. If you know me, you know I am not a huge fan of infancy...but this time I realize that certain things are fleeting and I will do my best to hold tight.
That being said...have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, May 19, 2008


So much has been going on and I admit that the bloglife has suffered. Please accept this video of Ollie's first taste of applesauce as a buffer until I can write more. My big man...eating, rolling over, and balancing on his own chunk...i mean starting to sit on his own!

Monday, May 05, 2008

8 Years

8 years now...
My dad lovd Harry Chapin. I frequently quote Harry when in reference to my dad. Most quotes come from this song. It was one of our favorites. Its 5 1/2 minutes long- but Harry is a damn great storyteller. Listen if you knew him...but even if you didn't listen anyway...
I love you dad.