Wednesday, August 09, 2006

sunday in the park...

this past sunday sage took us to the most amazing park- the sandbox alone was the largest (and surprisingly cleanest) i have ever seen. it had diggers that the kids could sit in and pull up sand and cutie tables built in- nevermind the boat in the middle!
the coolest thing had to be this wooden castle like structure- it had loads of nooks and crannies- it was the kind of haven i would have wanted as a teenager- a place to hid out and sneak smokes and kisses...*jack if this still exists by the time you can read you are in no way to desecrate this place in such a way!* was are some images:


Amy Jo said...

Wow! That last pic is fantastic! I love his tiny eye!

Anonymous said...

It's all about the fun and discovery, Narberth park was like that for you. So glad you found an adventure!
Love Mom

namdlab said...

when Jack's 50 and he looks at pictures from his childhood, he's going to say "you know? mom was never in any of my really awesome pictures. i wonder where she was for all those." and then he'll go out and take some really awesome pictures and he'll figure it out.