Thursday, March 27, 2008

Has It Really Been 3 Months?

So here is the full body 3 month shot of Oliver. I can't believe its been 3 months already. I was going to strip him down to his diaper and take a picture, but I didn't want anyone to bang their heads trying to get close and munch on his chunkiness!

If I may indulge myself for a moment...
He is such a good boy. He has a smile that brightens up my day. He is patient and loves his big brother. He goes to bed by 8:30 and doesn't wake up until at least 7 (gloat!)...I am truly lucky. I love to bend over him and kiss his fat cheeks. He will now grab my face when I'm doing this and let out his lovey noises. It makes my heart melt. He is just happy to be. He is strong and God knows he's healthy. He also now enjoys this:

My favorite part about the exersaucer is when Jack says... "Mom, I'm going to go play with Oliver James now!" He goes and pushes all the buttons for his little brother and spins him around (maybe too fast sometimes) Jack will dance to the music for his brother...and Ollie just eats it all up.
Sometimes, when Jack and I are talking, Ollie will just stare at Jack and smile. The connection is already there and it is the most amazing feeling...Ollie knows his family.
This last picture is my favorite...It's not well taken, its a candid after some posed funny pictures, but it makes me feel something that I can't even put into words. I'll stop talking about it now and let you all just feel maybe what I feel when I look at this: heart...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janet...Great job as a Mom and writer. Love checking your blogs and reading about your expereinces in raising a family. You certainly are blessed and those who watch over you from above are smiling and proud also!!! Please continue reading them ;-)As soon as I see Oliver gonna have to get a hold of those cheeks...just too cute!!!